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We Also Offer BodyMind Approaches

At Spinewaves Chiropractic our goal is to help you get really well.  We take on many different ways to accomplish this.  Read below to find out how we can help you!

In a few decades scientists have gone from a conviction that there is no such thing as an energy field around the human body to an absolute certainty that it exists. Moreover, science is expanding the roles of energy fields in health and disease” James Oschman PhD


NetworkSpinal is a revolutionary approach to health and wellness that applies low force contacts, generally to the spine and surrounding tissues.

Although developed during the 1980’s by Dr Donald Epstein and used by 1000’s of practitioners around the world, NSA is still relatively new in the UK and is exclusively practiced by Doctors of Chiropractic. Read More…

Reorganisational Healing (ROH)

… is called such because instead of simply ‘covering up’ or temporarily repairing your problems, it helps you to reorganise your nervous system and how you use your thoughts and emotions in order to conquer the problem altogether. Read More…

Somato-Respiratory Integration (SRI)

SRI is grounded in Reorganisational Healing and to put it simply, it’s a powerful series of exercises using breath, awareness, touch and movement developed to help you connect your body and mind, and deal with life more efficiently and positively. Read More…

The Four Seasons of Wellbeing

Based on the principles of Reorganisational Healing, the approach we take at Spinewaves is designed to deliver sustainable healing. During your NetworkSpinal care you will learn about and experience The Four Seasons of Wellbeing: Discover, Transform, Awaken and Integrate. These are integral to taking control of your life in a positive and sustainable way and will help you get the most out of your NSA sessions. Read More…

Workshops and Events

Find out more about everything we offer by attending a workshop! Find Out More…

Spinewaves Chiropractic | 01903 533645